The patient band for the neck of the osteochondrosis should know how to remove the aggravation.

The treatment of the exacerbation of osteochondrosis happens under the supervision of a physician, the compliance of the allocations. At the time of the exacerbation, the doctor may recommend to stop practicing the sport. It is permissible to swim with the condition that after the pool sick heat dress
It is important not to SuperCool. With the heat you have to be careful
To soothe the pain of the side lying position with toned knees. The posture helps to stretch the spine, the relaxation of disadvantaged nerve. As you can't use the massage service. There may be slight taps with the use of analgesics ointments, gels. After handling tainted worth surrounds, to give the patient the opportunity to sleep.
The period of exacerbation of the degenerative disc disease has a duration of 3 – 5 days. Depends on the degree of severity of the disease, the number of patients of the vertebrae, the age of the patient, the compliance of the recommendations of your doctor. After the remission of the pain, you have to get moving. But little by little, not SuperCool.
Why the disease is aggravated
It is necessary to note that the process of sharpening it does not depend on the stage, which can occur in any of them, from the primary to the last. The sharpening always precede the cause. Your main list of this aspect.
- The patient made sudden movements.
- In the cervical area were excessive burden of work.
- Is produced the weight lifting or much movement.
- The patient is in a state of stress or of the situation, when you are nervous.
- Produced not a professional massage. Or specialist did not know about the patient has degenerative disc disease, as the not warned of that of that.
- Sudden changes of the weather conditions.
- The patient received the supercooling of the whole body or zastudil cervical area.
- After a bath or in the sauna, the patient is immersed in the hole or just cold water.
- The patient's age, considerable, that the spinal discs have been removed, and may suffer damage due to age and wear and tear.
If it is not treated osteochondrosis, at what stage you are, the exacerbation of any necessarily, sooner or later. The symptoms of an exacerbation of the degenerative disc disease neck should know and understand, to differentiate the signs of other vertebrate diseases.
The symptoms of an exacerbation of the

The brightness of the severity of the symptoms depends on the stage of the pathologists and their degree of progression.
The following list.
- Pain in the area of the crown.
- The decrease of the sensitivity of the skin of the area parietal.
- The pain of a side of the neck.
- The pain in the collarbone and the shoulder.
- The severity of the language.
- The breathing interruptions, are not the same.
- Pain in the heart area.
- Pain manifestation in the upper right quadrant.
- The headaches with the pressure in the eye, or a simple headache but only in part.
- The cracking sound that you hear in the cervical area later in the application of the tilt, nod of the head or of its rotation.
- The mist in the eyes, spots or dots, hearing aids, and the rape and ringing in the ear.
- The pain and weakening of the muscles in the arms, up the brush.
In the data of symptoms it is hard not to draw attention to, and yet here patients, that even in this situation, do not hurry to visit a doctor, and trying to help himself to the pets of the media
The diet
In the task of the diet to the osteochondrosis is composed of:
- the standardization of the processes of change;
- warning deposits of salts in the spine;
- recovery of the alteration of the structure of the cartilage;
- the strengthening of the ligaments of the intervertebral discs;
- the reduction of excess weight and obesity prevention. It is known that excess weight increases the pressure on the spine and leads to the development of osteochondrosis, therefore, in patients with this disease is often diagnosed with obesity.
Dietary food should form the doctor based on the presence/absence of comorbidities. The messaging of the diet to the osteochondrosis not.
What products should be included in the menu, make sure:
- dairy products (milk channels of the intestine, and the fermented dairy products);
- the dishes of vegetables, vegetables. Special attention should be given to the cabbage, cucumbers, radish, celery, beets;
- fruit and berry dishes, jellies and preserves;
- the vegetable oils;
- low-fat meat;
- the dishes aspic, jelly;
- dark varieties of bread, dry biscuits, muffins;
- eggs;
- nuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds;
- cereals;
- seafood (fish, shrimp, cabbage, marine, mussels);
- water with gas.
In the diet of the diet in osteochondrosis of the spine must be excluded:
- fatty concentrated broth,
- fat of red meat,
- refractory, animal fats, poultry (duck, goose),
- the coffee and drinks that contain caffeine (tea, that strong, chocolate).
Limiting the consumption of sugary foods and alkogolsoderzhaschih of drinks.
The causes and symptoms of exacerbation of the degenerative disc disease cervical
The osteochondrosis — pathology is the backbone of the part of the skeleton. When she violations occur of the intervertebral disc degenerative and degenerative nature. The deviation affects the tissue of the vertebrae, spreading the disease.
- VBN in the bottom of the degenerative disc disease cervical: the treatment of the
- Acupuncture to osteochondrosis cervical
The average age of onset of the disease — 30 to 35 years. Due to the poor distribution of the load on the spine and legs, or because of traumatic injuries of the deviation can be diagnosed much earlier.
The main signs that confirm the development of the exacerbation of the disease:
- The sensation of pain, as in the hands, arms, shoulders, periodically arise or the permanent feeling of tension in the back and the neck of the part.
- Negative dynamics of the degenerative disc disease accompanied by atrophic phenomena in the tissues of the muscles, the variation of the sensitivity, the deviations in the working of the organs due to oppression and displacement.
- Headache, dizziness, very tired, discomfort in the hands.
- Rigidity, the inability of slopes, curves, activates the feeling of numbness of the extremities, discomfort in the muscles and joints, spasms, hypotension.
- The spotlight and spots in the eyes, ringing in the ears.
Not carried out to time the therapy of the degenerative disc disease cervical you can enter in phase with the complications serious. The treatment in this stage should be performed the doctor.
The causes of the occurrence of deviations in the spine:
- Wrong to receive the weight of the spine — the sock bags, luggage hand constantly on the shoulder or in the hand.
- Curved sitting posture mode.
- Too soft mattress high pillow to sleep.
- The use of footwear the incorrect anatomical construction, the narrow, oppressive, high heels, causing tensions from the muscles and the increase of the diseases of the spine, degenerative disc disease, cervical part of the same.
- The sedentary lifestyle, being overweight, traumatic injuries of the parts of the back, the legs, the feet flat.
- The age of the processes of degeneration due to the violation of the vascularization of the vertebral column.
- The depletion of a physical, the nervous breakdown-emotional system.
- Violated the exchange of substances, diseases of the stomach, of the intestine, accompanied by the poor assimilation of the nutrients and useful substances.
- Dangerous profession, the job in places with a lot of vibration.
- The presence of a genetic predisposition to osteochondrosis of the neck with the acute episodes.
- The breach of the rules of the healthy posture in the period of active growth, the scoliosis.
- Dehydration for a long time. Spot, a poor diet, lack of vitamins of the complex.
- The displacement of the center of load that occurs during pregnancy when underdeveloped muscular frame.
The sharpening caused by the season of the influence of the way of life, can occur at an undetermined time.
The treatment of the

For the proper and complex treatment is necessary to consult a doctor. Designated by him, effective for the survey, to find the cause of the disease. Prescribe medications, massage treatments, gym medicinal.
As assigned the following medications:
- the pain medications;
- chondroprotectors are applied for a long time and, in order to restore the cartilage, shaving the fabric;
- the muscle relaxers help you to get a muscle spasm;
- nootropic drugs;
- media
- the vitamins D.
The treatment can be carried out, both at home, as the hospital. It all depends on how much you will be strong symptoms and what complications. To resolve this would be only a specialist. The doctor can send in maps of massage treatments and so on. If you do not follow the recommendations of the specialist, which will lead to serious consequences.
You must enter in your diet dairy products, lean meat, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, cereals, fish.
Special attention should be paid to the food that contains gelatin, which is most often the jelly. The olive oil should be used for salads.
It is best to eat a full meal that is cooked, steamed, boiled and baked. Forgo salty, acute, of fatty acids, the smoked products. It is forbidden to drink strong coffee, tea and forgo the soda water sweet.

Massages well help you to remove the muscle tension and normalize the blood flow. But it is worth in the period of exacerbation of the degenerative disc disease to do so with great care and only need a professional masseuse.
If the patient experiences strong pain, then he has to follow bedding, and so. There are cases in which the patient is prohibited at all of getting up. But this can last no more than three weeks, as the muscles can atrophy. If the person felt better, unable to get up, but a maximum of ten minutes per day. It is necessary to do everything as the doctor says, otherwise it can lead to serious complications.
The prevention of the
Much easier to avoid the exacerbation of the degenerative disc disease of breast-feeding, and of the division. And it is in the forces of any person who is concerned about their health. So that is not an exacerbation of the degenerative disc disease, it is necessary to comply with simple rules.
Necessarily has to move more, because, as the pathology is is is presented in people who many feel. Therefore, there occur stagnant phenomenon and of the violation of the hemorrhage. It is necessary to regularly go hiking and go to the hot tub. This will help to prevent the exacerbation of breastfeeding and of the osteochondrosis.
It is not necessary to sit in drafts, because the spine is can blow. It is affected and thoracic division, and the lumbar. It is strongly recommended that the warmest of winter clothing, this also depends on the health of the person. Not worth being in the cold, if you don't want to get sick.
When there is excess weight, it is necessary to get rid of obesity. To do this it is not always as easy as we would like to the people. Have to sit on diets and go to a hot tub. It is not necessary to select fatty food and liabilities of the picture of life, sacrificing your health.
It is worth noting that it is very important to sleep well. It is there to buy a mattress and a pillow
This will allow you to grow to grow to keep the spine and neck in a correct state during sleep. As is known, precisely because of the wrong selected of the bed clothes often there are problems with the vertebrae. Therefore, it is not necessary to save money in the bedrooms of the attributes, and then the health will be much better.
The man can influence the fact that the intensification that has not happened. To do this it is only necessary to follow a few simple tips and don't forget your health. Must also undergo a complete treatment of the disease, so that in the future not have to suffer from pain.
The surgical treatment of degenerative disc disease, cervical in the phase of exacerbation of the
The realization of the surgery may be recommended if the patient has severe pain that is not coupled non-surgical treatment. The surgery usually is not if osteochondrosis of cervical, only if the doctor determines that:
- Spinal nerve subject herniated disk or bone (cervical radiculopathy);
- Compressed the spinal cord.
Depending on many factors, the operation is performed with the front of the neck, or in the back. In some cases, may be needed as front and rear access to remove the compression and instability of the spinal cord. Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages. Your doctor will discuss with the patient, what method is best for the specific case, as well as about the possible risks and consequences of the operation.
Fusion is, in reality, "welding" process. The main task of the consists in the union of the vertebrae to which have been achieved in a firm you to the bone. The fusion corrects the motion between the vertebrae and reduces the flexibility of the cervical spine, which eliminates the cause of the pain syndrome.
During the operation using bone material, called bone graft, and which promotes fusion of the vertebrae. Small pieces of bone put in there, where you have deleted the disk or the bone. In some cases, the doctor can implant the spacer or a synthetic of the "cage" between the two neighbouring vertebrae. This cell contains the bone graft material, allows the fusion of two vertebrae. After the installation of a bone graft, the result is set of metal screws, plates, or bars, to increase the speed of the adhesions and the subsequent stabilization of the cervical spine.
A bone graft is extracted, or the patient's own bone (autograft) or a donor (allograft). If you use the first option, the bone is usually taken from the hip area. The collection of bone graft requires an additional cut during the operation. This increases the operation time, and can generate more pain after the procedure.

During the fair of the front part of the cervical discectomy is causing the doctor removes the disc and formation of bone spurs and, then, stabilizes the spine through the loops of the spine. As a general rule, the plate and screws, is added to the front of the spinal column to the creation of additional fixation. And the neck corectomy, in place of the unit eliminates the vrtebra (the bone), and then stabilize the spine, as in the previous method of operation.
There's also laminectomy. In this situation, it removes the bone arch that forms the posterior part of the vertebral canal (plates), including the formation of bone spurs, and ligaments, compression of the spinal cord. Laminectomy helps to reduce the pressure on the spinal cord, which provides additional space. While laminectomy provides a decompression of the spinal cord, the procedure makes the bones less stable. For this reason, patients often it is necessary to install the screws and the studs.
The risks and the recovery after the surgery
Possible risks and complications for any operation on the cervical spine include:
- The infection;
- Spinal cord injury;
- A reaction to the anesthesia;
- The need for additional surgery in the future;
- Pain or difficulty swallowing for some time;
- Change of the voice;
- Difficulty breathing at first.
The majority of patients are able to walk and eat on the first day after the surgery. Depending on the type of procedure, the spine is fixed to the drain pipe for extracting the liquid or accumulated in the blood that may be left after the surgery. In the course of several weeks, the patient will have difficult to swallow solid foods. A time has to wear a collar.
What would be the treatment of the degenerative disc disease cervical in the phase of exacerbation of not chose the patient, it makes sense to consult with a specialist. Causes of degenerative disc disease, cervical may act as chronic stress, sedentary life, hypothermia, the technique of massage, or sports injuries. For a speedy recovery, you must follow all instructions of your doctor, do not be nervous, and not disproportionate to the neck. In the absence of a special of a neck brace, it is convenient to sit in a chair with supporting head. During the treatment of acute episodes should avoid sudden turns of the head, the consumption of alcoholic beverages, and is also contraindicated in the visit to the baths and saunas. Regular massage, good nutrition, and the realization of picked up of a complex of exercises to prevent the recurrence of exacerbation of the degenerative disc disease cervical.
The reasons for the occurrence of the acute episodes of the
The loss of motor activity and clogged the markets, the abundance of fastfoods led to poor nutrition, more than 70% of the population. It is a favorable platform for the development of all types of chondrosis and other diseases.
An important role in the causes of development of osteochondrosis plays the inheritance, as well as the presence of a sick person of previous injury, autoimmune diseases, and hormonal abnormalities. Colds and subcool in the cervical region also lead to the development of this disease.
The sharpening can be developed by a multiplicity of factors
In addition to the above factors, there are still a number of the causes of the development of this disease. Let's talk about each one of them with more detail.
The worsening of the season
Mainly the risk of exacerbation of the degenerative disc disease, cervical falls in two seasons of autumn and spring. The drastic decrease of the temperature leads to colds and the degradation of the sick of the osteochondrosis. Most affected are patients with this type of disease in the cervical region, as not all of the fall are scarves. Hence the back pain in the neck, decreased immunity, and as a result, the exacerbation of the degenerative disc disease cervical.
When monthly
Scientifically proven fact to be an exacerbation of the degenerative disc disease, when the menses do not. But, logically, this can be explained by the meanings the meanings of the following way. On "special" days, the hormonal status of the woman radical, reorganizes, this leads to that the level of estrogen decreases, grazing when the production of collagen and change of calcium. Because of this he suffers from the bone system, hence the possible exacerbation of the degenerative disc disease.
The exacerbation of the degenerative disc disease is possible in the period of critical days in women
After a bath
Visit to the baths leads to many disputes about its harm or benefit. To give precise recommendations can only physician, since he knows about the degree of negligence of their disease, about the state of your respiratory system and circulatory systems. If the visit to the baths is not contraindicated, take note of a council.
The osteochondrosis of cervical it is good procedure, if you are not allergic to honey. Before entering the steam room, lubricate the neck and shoulders of honey, after a visit to the steam bath honey almost all absorbed. Repeat this procedure should be performed 2-3 times for a visit to the bao
It is important to wrap up warm after a bath and cool down before exiting to the street, not less than half an hour. Otherwise, you can only aggravate the course of the disease
Can I visit the steam bath with this pathology is is, be able to dictate only by you and your doctor
After a massage
Massage performed by a competent professional, aims to provide state of the patient during the osteochondrosis of cervical. Do not underestimate the professionals of this profile. But if you rely on the procedure of massage to a person who does not have proper medical training, the consequences can be deplorable, as well as improperly performed massage may cause discomfort.
The sharpening can occur after a poorly performed massage
Can I do a self-massage during an acute exacerbation?
My answer is no. Self-massage and any other type of massage are contraindicated in this period. Otherwise, you can only harm yourself, because the self-massage and massage mobilizes in all of the tissues of the cervical region, it affects directly and to be in contact with the vertebrae and nerve guards in the various techniques.
Therefore, in the period of exacerbation of the self-massage is contraindicated, and here, at the time of remission of the process and for the maintenance of your recovery of the self-massage is very necessary!
I'm not going to re-tell the article on self-massage, and I only remember the link, if you want to remember this material more.
Dear friends, I hope that my article has been useful to you. Don't forget that it is best to take care of your neck to the development of all the complications and relapses, which after all this to difficult to difficult to overcome through the pain and difficulties. Lead an active lifestyle and do not forget to therapeutic exercises, even in the cases in which has nothing bothers me!
What is the exacerbation of the degenerative disc disease
Chronic atrophic processes in the cartilage tissue of intervertebral discs, located in one or several departments of a backbone, are referred to as the osteochondrosis. As the progress of the disease, the pathology is is is applied to the spinal joints m? s, the bone tissue. In the phase of remission of the patient may not experience any shameful feelings, but periods of exacerbation accompanied by strong and prolonged pains in different parts of the body.
Depending on the part of the spinal column, in which they develop pathological changes, distinguish, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and the set of osteochondrosis (flows simultaneously in the different departments). For each type of disease is characteristic of individual symptoms, there are nuances in the tactics, the scheme of treatment.

For all the varieties of the disease, there are three main forms of the current in the periods of recurrence:
- The regression – is manifested in the early stages of this current of each successive worsening flows with less intensity than the previous one.
- Typically-stable – regular physiotherapy treatment, and control of the state of the degenerative processes reduce the speed, the intensity of the pain syndrome of a heart attack the other remains almost unchanged.
- Gradually the frequency of exacerbations, grows, grows the pain, pathological changes in the intervertebral discs are getting worse.
The duration of the period of sharpening depends on the form of the disease, the place of his location, their state of health and the individual characteristics of the organism of the patient. When the light and sustainable for the duration of the phase of relapse is 2-3 of 7 to 10 days. A case of severe progressive form of the disease, the exacerbation of the lasts one to three weeks. The active treatment continue over a period of several months, regardless of the characteristics of the current and the type of degenerative disc disease.
The osteochondrosis is considered a disease of middle or advanced age, its appearance is due to hereditary factors, the unhealthy lifestyle with excess or lack of load on the spine. In recent years, the disease significantly "younger". The doctors even emit a type of disease – the youth – who suffer children and adolescents.