The osteochondrosis is a disease of the cartilage surfaces of the bones of the locomotor system, primarily of the spine and of the hip and knee joints). The osteochondrosis has four stages of development.

To understand the essence of this disease, you should at least in general terms, to understand the structure of the spine. The vertebrae are connected by ligaments and intervertebral discs. The openings in the vertebrae form a channel in which is located the spinal cord; their loins, contain sensitive nerve fibers that come out from between each pair of vertebrae. The flexion of the vertebral column of the spinal discs several are integrated in the side of the slope, and their nuclei are moving in the opposite direction. In a nutshell, the spinal discs are the shock absorbers that reduce the pressure on the spine of the workloads. Bulk of the morbidity is related, mainly, with the vertical position of the person, to which the load on the spine and discs of the spine significantly higher than that of the animals. If you don't learn to sit, stand, lie down, it is possible that the disk loses the capacity to carry out its function (depreciation) and after a while the outer wrap of the unit to crack, and form gryzenia bumps. Tightening the blood vessels (which leads to the alteration of the circulation of the blood spinal) or the loins of the spinal cord, and in rare cases, and the spinal cord. These changes are accompanied by pain sensations, and a reflection of the tension of the muscles of the back.
According to statistics, nearly one out of every two people age 25 to 55 years suffering from osteochondrosis. But, basically, people start to feel a manifestation of the degenerative disc disease after the age of 35 years. The development and exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the vertebral column contribute to static and dynamic overload, as well as the vibration.
This may be due to:
- in work related to the frequent changes of position of the trunk - flexion and extension, turns, movements rynkovyi
the lifting of heavy loads,
incorrect posture in standing position, sitting, laying and transportation of loads, - sports and physical activities, without taking into account the influence of great physical efforts,
- unfavorable conditions meteorolgicas - low temperature with high humidity of the air.
- But you can not say that if you are going to comply with all instructions, is the osteochondrosis is not the problem. Since the reason for the occurrence of this disease can be traumatic injuries.
Localization distinguish cervical, thoracic, lumbar, kresttsoviy and common of osteochondrosis. Often the diagnosis of lumbar osteochondrosis (more than 50% of cases), neck (25%) and common (around 12%).
The osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
The parents speak often popular phrase, addressed to children: "No vertical head!". The doctors call in the reverse: "surely twirl the head". At any age. This is the only way you can avoid the dangerous disease, the osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
The neck is designed by nature, not only to keep the head and rotate in different directions, which, by the way, over the years, to persons not trained, you don't see your health, it becomes a very complex issue. Through the area of the neck pass through the spinal cord, the arteries that nourish the brain, the nerve roots and trunks of those who exercise the nervous system, the link with the hands, the heart, the lungs.
Complaints in this type of degenerative disc disease more diverse: pain in the heart, headaches, dizziness, with a momentary loss of consciousness (due to the violation of the vascularization of the brain), pain in the shoulder or all the sugar arm.
The osteochondrosis of breastfeeding and of the spine
The pain that occurs in the time in the division of the spinal column, is known of all, the one that takes care of the heavy manual labor. As a general rule, these painful, unpleasant feelings are the first sign that the body begins to develop fairly an unpleasant illness – osteochondrosis of breastfeeding and of the spine. Often, this disease affects people, the so-called seats of the professions: builders, computer operators, drivers of vehicles.
But it is not necessary for you, even if you every day of drag heavy objects, or are forced to long hours of sitting behind a desk, is the osteochondrosis.
Reliable of the barrier of the disease - the correct posture. The back when walking try to keep straight, shoulders - straightened. Form position, as you know, there is an early age. But you can do it in 30 and 40 years. Here, and in truth - better late than never!
The osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine
First you experience a dull pain in the lumbar area and in the legs, and then held the numbness of the extremities, the considerable increase of the pains of sudden movements of the trunk, when the vibrations.
The prevention of the degenerative disc disease cervical spine
Performing exercises for a long time, it is safe prevention of the degenerative disc disease, cervical spine. Here is a series of exercises for the prevention of this type of degenerative disc disease:
- Push the front in the palm of the hand and tensing the muscles of the neck. Exercise perform 3 times in 7 seconds. Then, in the palm of your hand, press it gently by the nape of the neck also 3 times in 7 seconds.
- The tension of the neck muscles, the pull of the left side of the temple on the left hand (3 times in 7 seconds), and then to the right temple push, to the right of the palm of the hand (3 times in 7 seconds).
- Head slightly put your is a player. Overcoming the resistance of the tight muscles of the neck, thrust the chin into the jugular vein of the fovea. Exercise at least 5 times.
- The head and shoulders, keep a straight. Slowly turn the head to the maximum to the right (5 times). The same time, follow the movement to the left.
- Chin down to her neck. Turn the head first 5 times to the right and then 5 times to the left.
- The head put your is a player. Try to touch your right ear to the right shoulder (5 times). Follow this is the same movement, trying to touch left ear to left shoulder (5 times).
These exercises, it is recommended to include in the morning hygienic gymnastics, as well as perform during the working day. To make it possible and sitting, and standing. However, to do circular movement of rotation of the head can not in any case. This can lead to injury.
The prevention of the degenerative disc disease thoracic spine
If the same is going to carry out regular exercises (listed below) that develop and support the tone of the muscles of the back and of the abdomen, to ensure the normal mobility of all segments of the clinic of the spine, osteochondrosis you not beat.
- foot; making the breath deep, stand with your hands down, with feet together. Stretch your arms up - exhale. The Curve is a gambler and deep breathe. Then lower the hands, lean forward a little scrugli the back, lower the head and shoulders - exhale. Repeat 8 - 10 times.
- sitting in the chair. Do the hands behind the head, the breathing, the maximum curve is a player of 3 - 5 times, with the support of the shoulders on the back of the chair, - exhale.
- stand on four legs. The most rotten the back and hold the position for 2 - 3 seconds in this position. Keep your head straight. Return to and. q. and repeat the same exercise 5 - 7 times.
- lie face down and rest your hands on the floor. The maximum force curve is a player, trying to wean the body off the ground.
- being in the belly, the arms along the body. The Curve in the division of the spine, trying to maximize lift the head and feet.
These exercises, download thoracic department of vertebral column, it is advisable to do throughout the day during breaks in the work. In exercises 3 to 5-e of the breathing arbitrary. 4 th and 5 th exercise 5 to 8 times. These exercises can be included in the morning gymnastics. It is very useful to perform several movements after work. It is important, for the prophylaxis of the structure is made every day, then you firmly to assure himself of the degenerative disc disease.
How to sit correctly

- avoid too soft furniture - it is not for you. For the body mass in excess non-davila in the spine, the body must stay sciatic of the hill, and this is only possible in the hard front seats.
- the furniture, in which you have to sit for long periods of time, to meet the following requirements: height of the chair, the chair should match the length of the leg - is necessary so that the foot rested on the floor; for people of short stature, it is recommended to put under the feet of bank; maximum depth of the seat about 2/3 of the length of the thighs.
- under the table should be sufficient space for the legs, which was not very straight.
- if you are forced to sit to long, try about every 15 - 20 minutes to recover a little, to change the position of the legs.
be careful so that your back is flat on the back of the chair.
sit with a straight back, not very by tilting the head and not to bend the trunk to not force the muscles of the body. - if by the nature of the activity falls very much to read every day, to make the adaptation on the table (in a stand) compatible with a book to the height sufficient and atypical to the table for the upper part of the body is not necessary for you to lean forward.
- behind the wheel of a car, try to sit without tension. It is important that the back had a good support. To do this, between lower back and the backrest of the chair, put a thin roller, which will allow you to grow to maintain the lumbar spine crease. Keep your head straight. After several hours of driving to exit the machine and do basic gymnastic exercises: twists, stoops, squats — 8 to 10 times each.
- in front of the tv screen is not seated and does not lie long in the same posture. Periodically change your rise, to the ground. State 1-1,5 hours, get comfortable in the back of the chair or armchair, relax the muscles, do several deep breaths.
Stand correctly
When the man for a long time, the vertebral column suffers considerable pressures, especially lumbar of your department.
- change position every 10-15 minutes, taking advantage at the same time the one in the other leg, this will reduce the load on the spine.
if possible, walk in the place, move.
from time to time to the cave is a player in, stretching the arms upward, take a deep breath. This can relieve the fatigue of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, the neck, the nape, the back. - if you wash the dishes, Pat, bed linen, alternatively, place one and then the other foot on a small stool or box. Suffer from osteochondrosis caress better sitting or laying an ironing board so you don't have to lean under.
- during the cleaning of the apartments, working with a vacuum cleaner, also try under the no bends, the better to spread the hose additional hoses. While kept under the bed, under the table, standing on one knee.
to raise an object from ground support squat or stoop, knees bent, and supporting the hand on the chair or on the table. So you don't overload the lumbar spine.
As properly to be
To sleep better, not in the soft bed, but not on the boards. The bed should be semi-raw, for the body when a person is in the back, retained physiological curves (cervical lordosis, thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis). To do this:
- across the entire width of the bed or from the sofa to put the shield and in the upper part of polyurethane foam thickness of 5 to 8, see Cover, wool blanket and make a bed sheet.
- to assign the pain in the leg with the knee to put the roller of the reclin - this reduces the stretching of the sciatic nerve and relieves the pain in the leg.
- when you suffer from lower back pain, many patients prefer to sleep on the stomach. So that the spine is the curve, which causes even more pain under the lower part of the belly under a small pillow.
lovers of sleeping on your side and you can sleep, putting one leg to another, and the hand under the head.
Getting out of bed in the morning in patients with acute manifestations of the degenerative disc disease is very difficult. Do this:
- first do a few simple exercises of the arms and legs;
- then, if you sleep face up, turn the head in the womb;
- lower one foot on the ground;
- based on the leg and the hand, place the body weight on the knee and it gradually rises, without sudden movements.
And another tip. For those who like a steam bath, it is preferable to dry steam (sauna), and at the time of the exacerbation and the sauna have to give up.
How to lift and move the gravity of the
One of the main causes of the exacerbation of the degenerative disc disease and the education of hernias of the intervertebral disc, especially in the lumbar-sacral department - lifting and transfer of loads. With acuity, suddenly pain occurs in the lower part of the back when rising from the gravity abruptly so abrupt, then take a heavy object to one side, turning to the east trunk.
How to transfer the gravity of the
- heavy not to carry in a single hand, especially long distance, in order not to overload the spinal column, divide the load and carry it in both hands. It is unacceptable to hold the weight sharply bend and stretch (leaning towards is a player).
- in general, the patient of osteochondrosis lifting and transporting the severity of over 15 kg are undesirable. Advise you to buy a car, or a bag with wheels.
- for the transportation of loads over long distances is very comfortable backpack with wide straps. The entire weight of the backpack is distributed on the weight of the spine, and the hands are left free.
How to lift weights
- place, if you have a belt lifter or any belt width;
sit in a squatting position, with the back should be straight, the neck grinding; - grabbing it with two hands to the gravity, rise, without bending the back.
And finally, the most important advice.
If there is a sharp pain in any department of the spine, there is that self-medicating with pills and ointments. Contact a nevrologu - should be to establish an accurate diagnosis, to relieve pain and develop a plan for further treatment.