The osteochondrosis is not only the back pain. The well-being of the spine and spinal cord, connected by the nerve fibres with all the internal organs, influence the functioning of the heart, kidneys, lungs, and the digestive tract and even in their general condition. You can be, you will be surprised, but even depression can arise due to the tragic events are in the life of a person, but only that as a result of the destruction of the cervical vertebrae pinch the nerves related to the brain. How to treat the media of this disease.
The osteochondrosis is very serious and unpleasant disease. Often accompanied by pain in the lumbar-sacral area and in one of the lower extremities. According to the latest medical data, the main cause of back pain is degenerative (destructive) process in the intervertebral discs. The osteochondrosis spinal disk special of the cartilage through the structures that guarantee our spinal column the flexibility and mobility, they are defective. When osteochondrosis progresses, irreversible changes arise already in the same vertebrae.

The causes of degenerative disc disease
The causes of the emergence of the degenerative disc disease may be many, and, as often happens, can't think of one, the main. The negative factors are superimposed upon one another, and as a result, it produces disease.
With age the cartilage loses its elasticity and become less resistant. Because of this, the discs of the spine was poorly restored after the loads. Uncompensated burden on a single side of the body, slowly but surely affects the health of the spine: sit in the posture asymmetrical, the transfer of the load in one hand, the preservation of a particular posture for a long time (for example, the reading of the lying on a side), incorrect use of pillows and mattresses for sleeping (the head is at an angle to your body, the body is outside of the alignment). This can cause protrusion of the intervertebral disc and compression out of the corresponding vertebra on the nerve. And this already starts the disease associated with the division of the authority.
The malnutrition is closely related to another cause of degenerative disc disease — obesity. The excess weight is not only an additional load to the spinal column, the lack of elasticity of the muscles and the reduction of the mobility. Rich in carbohydrates and fats, and food brings a saturation quickly, but these "empty" calorie do not give the body anything useful - neither vitamins, nor minerals, nor of the vital energy. And without calcium, the potassium, the phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, and other micronutrients, the cartilages and the bones become more porous and will quickly break down with burdens. Therefore, it is sad to have to give up the sweets, roasts, pasta and semi-finished products and move to the diet is composed of fish, fruits and vegetables. Moderate should be the consumption of cereals, sunflower and olive oils, cheeses and cottage cheese. The meat, butter, cakes, dairy products high in fat, salt and coffee should greatly limit, and the last, in the ideal, and definitely.
To the previous two reasons for that binds a third violation of the metabolism. The metabolism is the body's ability to receive, process and absorb food, obtaining energy and material for the construction of the cells. Typically, these processes are regulated automatically, as the process of keeping the internal balance of the mineral composition. Of incoming food, the body recovers exactly the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water, how much it is necessary for the normal operation. If there is a deficit of any kind of substances, violations occur in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals or metabolism is water. The metabolic consequences for the skeletal system can be the treating osteoporosis and the deposition of salts common to the satellites of the osteochondrosis.
Flat feet and the use of uncomfortable shoes, high heels are also causes of degenerative disc disease. The breach in the structure of the arch of the foot causes the spine to excessively compensate for the load that occurs in the process of walking, with the body weight is distributed incorrectly.
Other causes: injuries to the spine and following the breach in the structure of the vertebrae and the cartilage, the sedentary lifestyle, the influence of which we will discuss later, heavy work, a physical and permanent lifting of weight, which does not give the spine a chance to recover, the sudden interruption of the sport and the weakening of the muscle systems and the stress that can become trapped vessels and nerves, to the brain.
The symptoms of the
When you may have the suspicion that your spine is not everything is in order and it is time to consult a specialist to get a diagnosis?
The onset of the disease may go unnoticed: sometimes the patients feel only numbness or discomfort in a particular location of the spinal column, in function of the location of the calcifications of the changes.
Depending on what department of the spine became his "weak point" and subjected to the devastation of the degenerative disc disease, you may see the following signs of the disease.
When the cartilage between the bones of the spine crease and flat, and the holes and channels, respectively, converge, vertebral artery secured, and the brain produces the symptoms of lack of oxygen (pain, dizziness, anxiety). At this point, you can develop chronic fatigue syndrome, the depression, the person experiences constant shortages of life forces.
Then, to unconscious discomfort can be linked to the headaches and dizziness, impairment of hearing and sight, whether it is degenerative disc disease cervical.
The numbness and the pain during the movement of the hands, around chest pain occur when the osteochondrosis.
The Lumbar osteochondrosis is characterized by pain when walking, the slopes, the discomfort of the pelvis of the knee and pain in the groin and legs.
All of these signs speak of the violation to the physiological health of the spine, which he does not comply with the functions it loads.
What is meant by the term "osteochondrosis"? In Greek osteon means "bone", chondros — "cartilage", the termination-os — non-inflammatory disease, and, in general, is a degenerative process, that is to say, the aging of cartilage and bone.
What kind of infringement and in what departments of a backbone is found here depends on, and the symptoms of degenerative disc disease. That affect all areas of the spine, osteochondrosis can be surprising, Cervical, thoracic, lumbar-kresttsoviy departments and worsen the sciatica, spondylosis, sciatica, "throw", intervertebral hernias.
The osteochondrosis of cervical
The location of the degenerative disc disease in the neck (osteochondrosis) occurs very often. Cervical region of the spine suffers more persons engaged in monotonous work of designers, programmers, secretaries, dentists, watchmakers, etc., As a general rule, the development of the degenerative disc disease cervical contribute to a horse behind the wheel, and the prolonged use of the computer. The main signs and symptoms of degenerative disc disease cervical: headache, dizziness, pain in the arms and in the chest, back pain, numbness of the tongue.
The osteochondrosis of cervical often hurts and dizzy, darkens in eyes, pressure rises. Through the cross of the rods of the cervical vertebrae in addition to the canal of the spinal cord the channel passes to the so-called vertebral artery. Is centered in the cavity of the skull and nourishes the cerebellum, vestibular apparatus and facilities, located in the area of the nape and the foundation of the brain. The displacement of the vertebrae leads to reflex muscle spasm of the vertebral artery, and in severe cases — and the pinch of it. Therefore alters blood flow to the centers of balance, and of a number of centres vegetative, governors of the processes of life. It is this process and is the cause of so common a diagnosis of dystonia vegeto-vascular".
The osteochondrosis of cervical may be present and root of the symptoms (neck radiculitis): pain shooting in the hand, sometimes on different fingers of the hand are numb, be permanently cold. The reason for this is the violation of passage of the impulse from nerve fiber. Numbness of a finger can be judged on removal specific of the vertebra.
Chest of osteochondrosis
The chest department of the backbone to the osteochondrosis is surprised very rarely. One of the main causes of the development of breastfeeding and the osteochondrosis is a curvature of the spine (scoliosis). As a general rule, all the conditions for the future development of the breastfeeding and osteochondrosis form from the school. The chest of the department of the spine is the least mobile, therefore, the signs and symptoms of breastfeeding and the osteochondrosis is very different to that of the symptoms of cervical or lumbar osteochondrosis. In most cases, the main difference of breastfeeding and the osteochondrosis is the lack of acute pain and the presence of just dumb, the pain and aches in the back.
The main symptoms and signs of breastfeeding and osteochondrosis are: pain in the chest, numbness, sensation of crawling chills in the chest area, pain in the heart, the liver, the stomach. Very often thoracic the osteochondrosis it is hidden under other diseases (e.g., angina, myocardial infarction, peptic ulcer disease, gastritis).
Therefore, due to its symptoms may be confused, for example, with myocardial infarction or pneumonia. The pain associated with osteochondrosis of breastfeeding and of the spinal column, long-term, similar to the intercostal patients with neuralgia. Sometimes the pain can be under a spatula, which makes me suspect a heart attack. The difference between ischemic heart disease and intercostal patients with neuralgia is that to the osteochondrosis in patient normal or near normal) ecg, there are no symptoms, such as acute pallor, lividity, sellistest the skin, the cold sweat, etc
Chest of osteochondrosis, in addition to of which by itself is linked with the variety of painful symptoms (pain, neuralgic reaction), is dangerous, as it leads to the development of serious illnesses surrounding breastfeeding, the division of the vertebral column of the internal organs.
Lumbar-kresttsoviy the osteochondrosis
The osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine — lumbar osteochondrosis — it is found more often. This is because in the back (lumbar vertebrae), as a general rule, represent the greatest burden. Often the lumbar osteochondrosis can exacerbate herniated lumbar intervertebral division.
Main symptoms and causes of degenerative disc disease are: pain in the low back, (pain in the lower back bother human for many years, and are characterized by cycles, sharpening in autumn-winter), limitation of mobility, pain in the legs. Very often, when the lumbar spine osteochondrosis severe (back pain or pain in the legs, exciting a certain part of the leg (for example, the back or side of the hip). In addition to the pain can be detected increase or decrease of the sensitivity of the skin of the feet (hip or leg), to touch or to pain — these symptoms of the degenerative disc disease to explain the crushing of the roots of the spinal cord.
The most frequent cause of degenerative disease of the intervertebral disc in the lumbar-sacral department of a backbone — trauma (a compression fracture or chronic injury).
In the lumbar region of the nerve root form is called the sciatic nerve terminalis ischiadicus, hence the name of complications of the sciatica. At the expense of the nerve pain extends across the path of the nerve trunk: in the area of the buttocks, below the knee, sometimes in the caviar or the heel. In cases of possible shortcomings of the power of the nerve trunk, then the foot numb. The symptoms of the loss of sensitivity is very persistent, sometimes, numbness is prolonged in time.
At the expense of the sciatic nerve of the person starts to limp, avoiding to transfer the body weight on painful, on the one hand, flexion on the sound side, in order to maximize separate the vertebrae in the diseased part of the body and therefore reduce the grip spine. With the time, as a result of the treatment of pain pass through or become tolerant. If the vrtebra not reduced, maintaining the curvature of the spine. In this case, the load of the intervertebral disc, and already damaged, is distributed unevenly, which leads to its greater protrusion of the and the destruction.
The most worrying complication of lumbar-sacral of the osteochondrosis — the instability of the vertebrae. The disc does not set the vrtebra, with a load under the action of gravity back "slips" with the sacrum. Develop a pathological process in which reside close to the internal organs. The patient recommend more apply traction, in accordance with the sensations of pain. With the correct implementation of procedures for pain should decrease and not grow.
Statistics of visits to the doctor about the degenerative disc disease is small — up to 20% of the possible sick people. As a general rule, come already then, when it completely becomes unbearable to live. However, the osteochondrosis is far more danger from what seems at first glance. Recourse to a doctor, in the early stages of the development of the degenerative disease of the disk, will allow you to grow to significantly reduce the time of treatment and the rehabilitation period.