Our body is a complex system in which the breakage of one "screw" causes the failure of other "parts". In addition to diseases of the internal organs, chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, particularly of the joints, also cause many problems. Today I propose to talk about osteoarthritis of the hip joint. What are the symptoms and recommended treatments.
This joint is the largest in the human skeleton. It is constantly used when walking, bending, turning, so the disease brings the patient severe pain and stiffness in movement. Fortunately, with an early diagnosis, the disease is well treated with medication. It is not so easy to suspect that something was wrong, it is necessary to know all the characteristics of the disease and be able to discern the first manifestations. And, of course, take care of the ways to prevent it, and this will help our article.
Osteoarthritis or osteoarthritis of the hip joint is also called coxarthrosis, all these terms mean one thing: a complex and progressive disease with destruction of the cartilage that covers the femoral head and acetabulum. As a result, the joint gradually collapses, becomes bone, grows too large, and loses mobility.
Coxarthrosis: what is it
Let's take a closer look at what coxarthrosis is, as this is the term that doctors often use because recently the word "osteoarthritis" was dropped from medical terminology as it was previously believed to have nonothing to do with inflammation, but later scientists proved otherwise. For us these disputes are not important, the main thing is that all these names refer to the same very unpleasant disease.
So, coxarthrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic disease that causes the destruction and deformation of cartilage tissue. It is diagnosed mainly in women over 40 years old and in men over 60 years old.
Why is so much injustice that ladies have wronged nature? The point here is in the special structure of the female skeleton and the load on the hip joint, especially during labor and delivery. As a result, it is middle-aged women who are most likely to suffer from this condition; in the older category, the number of patients of different sexes is gradually equalizing.
Causes of osteoarthritis of the hip joint
The reasons for the development of osteoarthritis in the hip joint can be many.
The most common are:
- inheritance, if the parents or one of the relatives had a disease of this type, then you should be more attentive to your health, since although the disease itself is not associated with genetics, a predisposition to disordersmetabolic and other alterations can cause joint problems;
- heavy loads on the pelvis, especially in athletes who run, jump, lift weights;
- obesity, even a slight weight gain can be negative for the joints, causing a greater load on them, which is why obese people are more prone to osteoarthritis;
- injuries, fractures, hematomas of the pelvis;
- endocrine disorders such as diabetes can cause bone problems;
- inflammatory, infectious processes in the body, for example, purulent or rheumatoid arthritis;
- the presence of problems with the spine or bones (flat feet, scoliosis, osteochondrosis) that change posture and put pressure on the joints;
- hormonal imbalance;
- weakening of blood circulation in tissues;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- old age, which is associated with a deterioration in the nutrition of the tissues.
Degree of coxarthrosis
Doctors distinguish 3 degrees or stages of the development of the disease, which will help to distinguish the main symptoms. It is important to know that when diagnosing at stage 1, it is quite possible to completely cure the disease and forget about it for many years, and at the third stage, the only correct decision will be an operation, otherwise the patient runs the risk ofsuffer a disability.
Stage 1
The following symptoms will help establish the presence of osteoarthritis in the first degree hip joint:
- pain during a heavy load on the joint and immediately after;
- localization of pain only in the area of the bone junction;
- gear is not changed;
- without lameness;
- Muscles retain their strength and shape.
During computer diagnosis, the doctor may notice bony growths on the surface of the joint, especially along the inner and outer edges of the acetabulum. At this stage, correctly selected drugs allow you to fully restore the working capacity of the joint, but not all of us tend to go to the doctor at the first manifestation of pain.
Admit it, a little annoyance often makes you think of stretching, dislocations, fatigue. We begin to rub the sore spot with various creams, ointments, we try to heal with folk methods, not understanding the cause and wasting precious time. Therefore, if you feel pain in your leg, the first thing to do is go to the doctor and set aside some time for yourself - this is the key to a long, full and happy life!
Stage 2

If the problem was not immediately diagnosed or cured, then grade 2 osteoarthritis gradually develops, characterized by the following symptoms:
- more frequent pain that can appear even with inactivity;
- the pain is no longer limited to the area of the bone connection, it radiates to the thigh, groin and back;
- movements become limited, the person cannot fully move the leg to the side;
- appears limp.
During the examination, the images show bone growths on the edges of the socket, an increase in the apex of the bone, its displacement and destruction of the edge.
Fortunately, with the help of complex therapy, second-degree osteoarthritis is still amenable to conservative treatment.
Stage 3
Well, it's really bad for patients who have neglected their health so much that they have stage III osteoarthritis, it's typical of this:
- pain throughout the day, even without physical effort;
- the need to use crutches or canes;
- atrophy, that is, shortening of the muscles of the diseased leg, change of posture.
During the exam, the doctor observes numerous bony growths, an increase in the size of the edge of the bone, and a decrease in joint space. And here there is only one way out: this is an operation to replace an already unusable joint with a special artificial prosthesis.
We have already briefly mentioned the symptoms of the disease, it remains to summarize all these symptoms.
Coxarthrosis manifests itself:
- severe pain in the joint, which can then radiate to the leg, groin, knee;
- poor movement, difficulty walking without support;
- shortening of the diseased limb;
- bad posture;
- decreased range of motion in the affected joint;
- X-ray shows muscle atrophy;
- MRI shows soft tissue abnormalities, inflammation;
- CT shows the presence of bony growths.

The symptoms are clear, but not so straightforward. Therefore, with one of these signs, it is necessary to consult a specialist to make a diagnosis, as it can be both osteoarthritis and completely different diseases with similar symptoms.
Diagnosis of the disease should be made by more than one doctor, as pain in the pelvis can cause various ailments.
Like this:
- the therapist may find chronic diseases that cause discomfort in the hip;
- a neurologist excludes or confirms the presence of intervertebral hernias, sometimes they cause the same symptoms that are characteristic of osteoarthritis;
- The urologist checks men for inflammation of the prostate, these conditions also often cause pain in the pelvis, which radiates to the legs;
- the gynecologist looks for adhesions in the patient, they are also similar in manifestation to this disease;
- a rheumatologist is a limited specialist who deals with such problems, will help determine the stage of the disease, its causes and methods of treatment;
- The surgeon and orthopedist will be helpful in the advanced stage when the patient needs surgery.
Therefore, to make the correct diagnosis, it will not be possible to limit ourselves to a visit to the doctor, and on top of that, you still have to pass the tests:

- clinical and biochemical analysis of urine and blood to detect inflammation in the body;
- MRI for soft tissue examination;
- CT to examine bones;
- X-rays will show bone damage;
- arthroscopy is indicated in some cases;
- ultrasound of the pelvic organs is sometimes required.
The success of treatment depends on the correct diagnosis, the degree of deterioration, and the cause of the deformity. For example, if osteoarthritis caused tuberculosis in the bones, then the usual therapy is prohibited, and in the case of metabolic disorders, it is necessary to first eliminate the root cause, and then combat its consequences.
Treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip joint
The most effective treatment is in the early stages, then it can be limited to several drugs. How to treat inflammation: the doctor decides after a series of studies. The therapy largely depends on the cause and the degree of destruction, but they mainly try to relieve pain, eliminate inflammation, improve blood circulation, for this they use:
- non-steroidal medications to relieve inflammation;
- analgesics to return the patient to normal life and facilitate walking;
- muscle relaxants to restore blood circulation in the diseased area of the body;
- chondroprotectors that help stop cartilage deformation;
- steroid injections are used when pain intensifies;
- medications for vasodilation.
In addition to pills, injections and ointments, treatment includes the use of a special diet and exercise therapy, a set of measures helps to significantly improve the condition and return the mobility of the legs.
If conservative treatment does not produce a visible result or if the disease was diagnosed in the last stage, there is only one way out: this is an operation. The procedure is complicated, in rare cases, rejection or danger of thromboembolism and other fatal complications is possible. At the same time, for seriously ill patients, this is the only chance for a normal life, because with an artificial joint, after healing and rehabilitation, a person will be able to move calmly.
As with any operation, a patient with coxarthrosis must prepare in advance for general anesthesia, they are not allowed to eat or drink before the procedure, and their bowels are cleaned. Then, they wrap her legs with elastic bandages to prevent edema, she lies on her side and falls asleep. After that, the doctor makes an incision in the thigh, opens the access to the joint, cuts the head of the femur and places a pin in the cut, to which the titanium head is attached.
The damaged pelvic bone tissue is also removed and replaced with a polymer pad to allow normal movement of the leg in the future. Next, the wound is sutured, a bandage is applied on top. After healing, a recovery period still follows, but in the absence of rejection, a person can walk for 20 years, or even their entire life, walking calmly with an artificial joint, without feeling pain or stiffness.
Due to the disease, the hip joint loses its mobility, changes in the tissues, destruction of cartilage and the formation of bone growth are observed in its place. Fortunately, effective drugs have been invented to restore cartilage tissue, they are also called chondroprotectors, which is Latin for "cartilage protection. "
So what are these drugs capable of?
- stop the process of destruction of cartilage tissue;
- accelerate metabolism in the joint;
- stimulate the production of synovial fluid, that is, natural lubrication, which normally occurs in the cartilage tissue and promotes the easy sliding of the bone in the joint;
- relieve inflammation;
- facilitate joint movement.
There are two main components that can be included in the preparations: glucosamine and chondroitin.
As for the form of the drug, it can be different - from tablets, capsules, ointments, creams to solutions for injections. The choice of drug, dosage and duration of use must be prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the characteristics of the organism. But, as a rule, injections are used during exacerbations, and then the patient is transferred to a gentler treatment, which can last for months, at least six months. After all, restoring cartilage tissue is a long affair, but it allows you to regain freedom of movement without surgery.
In some cases, treatment of the disease includes injections. Only a doctor should do them, resorting to such a solution only in extreme cases, since it is risky to treat the disease in this way. The fact is that the gap between the bones of the hip joint is small, and with coxarthrosis it narrows even more. As a result, even an experienced doctor is sometimes unable to enter the joint capsule, and the risk of touching the nerves and blood vessels is great.
At the same time, injections are sometimes the only way to relieve pain and inflammation, different drugs are used for these purposes:
- corticosteroids for pain relief, such injections cannot be given more than once every two weeks and a cycle of no more than 7;
- Chondroprotectors help restore tissues, stimulate synovial fluid production for normal bone sliding, and improve tissue elasticity. In injection form, the drugs work faster than tablets or ointments, allowing the drug to be shipped directly to its destination;
- Hyaluronic acid is the ultimate method of relieving inflammation and pain. It is used after all other drugs have been tried and the desired result was not obtained, the effect of its use is long-lasting, the injection is made once.
Unfortunately, in the fight against osteoarthritis of the hip joint, physiotherapeutic procedures are ineffective due to the deep bed of the affected area. However, doctors sometimes prescribe kinesiotherapy to relieve pain.

If a professional performs a medical massage, this helps to improve blood circulation in the joint, restore mobility, and stop tissue destruction. But its use is indicated only exclusively during the period of remission, during the absence of pain.
In addition, to obtain a clear effect, you do not need one-time visits to a specialist, but courses two or three times a year to maintain the condition of bones and joints.
Treatment of coxarthrosis with home remedies
Although it is quite difficult to completely cure coxarthrosis in the hip joint using only folk remedies, especially in a severe and advanced form, even doctors recognize the effectiveness of natural medicines. Many herbal formulations, roots and essential oils significantly alleviate the condition of a sick person, stop the destruction of cartilage and the formation of bone and scar tissue, stimulate the production of synovial fluid, which is very important in the fight againstdisease.
To make the treatment more effective and give positive results, it is worth discussing with your doctor what alternative methods you can use yourself at home.
Some of the more popular tools:
- perestroot salve. To prepare it, the root must be crushed in a coffee grinder, mixed with melted pork fat in a ratio of 2: 3, simmered for five minutes, cooled and lubricated with the composition of the sore at night for a month. Then rest for a week and continue the treatment;
- ointment with celandine: dry 7 plants, separate the leaves from the stems and grind, add 1 cup of olive oil, leave in cold for 14 days, after which the medicine will become gelatinous and meltin the hands. Lubricate the diseased area with a substance every night;
- birch leaves, linden, parsley dry, chop, brew instead of tea and drink every day;
- wash the lemon, chop it and pour it into 1 liter. boiling water, strain after a couple of hours, add honey, drink three times a day;
- combine honey, iodine, ethyl alcohol and glycerin in the same amount, insist 3-4 hours, lubricate the skin over the joint with a cotton swab 3 times a day;
- take 60 grams of cinquefoil and helenium roots, mix with 0. 5 liters. vodka, insist for a day in a dark cool place, strain, drink 25-30 drops three times a day 30 minutes before meals, can also be used for rubbing.

Exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint
Specially selected exercises will help to significantly improve the condition with coxarthrosis, some will be suggested by the doctor. Before using them, you should consult with your doctor, because with an incorrectly selected complex and the presence of contraindications, you can cause even greater harm to your health.
For example, deforming osteoarthritis is dangerous to treat with physical activity; it is fraught with pain and even greater tissue destruction.
Gymnastics is also prohibited when:
- exacerbation of the disease;
- obvious pain when moving;
- increase in body temperature;
- exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- menstruation;
- hernia;
- heart and lung disease in serious form.
It is believed that therapeutic exercises for coxarthrosis should aim to restore muscles and ligaments, but not load an already weak joint, therefore non-dynamic, but static movements are more suitable. I am also pleased that the set of exercises can be performed at any convenient time, without spending money and nerves on trips to specialists, and given its effectiveness, it will simply be a crime not to use such a universal medicine.
Here are some exercises:
- lying on your back, raise the affected leg 10-15 cm, freezing for 20-30 seconds, repeat for the other leg;
- perform the same movement, but quickly, holding the legs only for 1-2 seconds;
- to lift not a straight leg, but a leg bent at the knee at a right angle;
- lying on your stomach, separate your legs from the floor and hold for a couple of seconds, slowly separate, connect again, lower to the floor;
- lying on your side, bend your leg and lift the upper leg and hold it at an angle of about 45 degrees, wait 30 seconds, return to the starting position, repeat for the other leg;
- performs the above exercise, but at the same time alternately rotates the foot outward and inward.
It is true that it is not recommended to practice only in the description of exercises and videos, it is better to discuss this point with a doctor or even visit a rehabilitation specialist several times, since in case of a different type of disease it is necessaryadjust the complex to avoid complications.
Since osteoarthritis is highly dependent on metabolism, it is important to follow proper nutrition when treating the disease. It should be frequent, but not profuse. Excluded:
- salty foods;
- fatty broths, mayonnaise, oils, dairy products (sour cream, cream);
- preservatives;
- premium flour baked goods;
- smoked.

They should be replaced by other cartilaginous ones:
- milk and low-fat dairy products, particularly cheese, is very important as it promotes tissue regeneration and calcium absorption;
- lean meat and fish;
- beans, mushrooms, buckwheat, lentils rich in vegetable protein;
- jellied meat, jellied fish, jellies, containing collagen;
- cereal carbohydrates;
- vegetables, fruits;
- complex carbohydrates (nuts, honey).
Drinking plenty of fluids is important to maintain your salt balance.
Proper nutrition helps to remove uric acid, which is dangerous for the joints, relieve inflammation, remove excess weight, edema, and thus reduce the load on the diseased area and even restore tissueof cartilage. The greatest effect can be achieved in stage 1 of the disease.
If there are cases of disease in the family or if osteoarthritis of the hip joint has already been present and has been successfully treated, correct and regular prevention is important, consisting of the following points:
- adequate nutrition, which contains all the vitamins and microelements for the normal metabolism of the tissues;
- weight control to avoid additional burdens;
- Moderation of physical exertion, the ability to move in such a way as to avoid injury and overexertion to diseased joints;
- be careful with hypothermia as it can become severe. It is important to dress warmly, wrap the basin in cold weather, avoid sitting on cold surfaces and staying in a draft;
- lead a healthy lifestyle, walk in the fresh air, gently strengthen your leg muscles.
Osteoarthritis is a very unpleasant disease that, without proper treatment, with bone fusion ends in disability and life in a wheelchair. Therefore, at the first symptoms, go to the doctor for a diagnosis and help. Timely and comprehensive treatment allows you to get rid of the problem and live without pain and restrictions.